Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Decline Of Cognitive Decline - 1312 Words

Are nursing homes associated with the acceleration of cognitive decline? The relevance of this question is that there are numerous families that are concerned about their loved one s health when they are placed into a nursing home. First, what are some of the reasons for families to place their loved one’s into a nursing home? Second, what is Alzheimer’s and Dementia? Third, what are the reasons for the decline in residents cognitive behaviors? Finally, how can we help change the acceleration of cognitive decline? Nursing homes are suppose to be helping the residents maintain their health as long as they can but are they helping the residents? If nursing homes are more suitable for the well being of the suffering loved one, then†¦show more content†¦Also, when the family is taking care of them, it becomes stressful and straining to care for them on their own, especially when the impairments worsen. If the family still does not wish to place them into a long-term facility, they have the option of placing them into a daycare, just to give the family members a break from day-to-day (Rabins). Everyone needs a break, including the ones who try to their best running their life while caring for someone who is worsening and shows progression of Alzheimer s. In addition to having to care for a person going through a progression of a physical impairment, but also having to watch them progress with Alzheimer’s is extremely hard. It becomes difficult when the family does not fully understand what Alzheimer s and Dementia is. In order to care for someone with Alzheimer’s and or Dementia they should proceed to look further into it. Various studies have been done to help explain to families what each problem is and how to care for someone with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells (What). Most commonly the first region of the brain cells damaged would be the cells in the hippocampus, whi ch is the center of learning and memory in the brain (What). Depending on what type of Dementia the patient has will depend on the area of the brain that is affected (What). Dementia has a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in

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